Taste the Tropics Fruit Box GoogleON Tropical Fruit Box Taste the Tropics Fruit Box GoogleON Tropical Fruit Box Regular (10lbs)
Taste the Tropics Fruit Box
(189 Reviews)
from $99.00
๐Ÿ†• This box is a combination of some of my very favorite tropical fruits in season. They are picked at the perfect time so they taste like they are supposed to taste. Once you try these tropical fruits, you'll come back for more. Pinkglow Pink Pineapple - Delicious, fruity and tastes like cotton candy. A Tropifruiter favorite for sure. Tropical Avocado ๐Ÿฅ‘ - these are so much bigger than the ones you are used to. They are the equivalent of 3 of the little ones you buy at the store. Apple ๐ŸŒBanana Cluster (Manzanos) - They are sweeter, plumper, juicier, and much fancier than regular bananas. Mango-  An all-time favorite fruit of our Tropifruiters. Sweet and so good for you. Hawaiian Plantains - bursting with natural sweetness and a creamy texture that's simply irresistible. Dragon Fruit - delicious and cleansing cactus fruit to finish off your boxes. Blood Oranges and Hawaiian Plantains  - new seasonal specialty additions this month to level up! Our fruit is fresh and almost ripe when it gets delivered to your door. Our boxes will vary slightly because of seasonality and availability or State of California fruit restrictions for the customers ordering from the Golden State. We'll always do our best to give you an awesome exotic fruit assortment. Have any questions? Chat with us or call us, we are ready to help and get fresh fruit directly to your door. What are you waiting for? Order Your Taste The Tropics Fruit box Today ***If ordering for a special occasion, be sure to add the gift note and/or event info in the notes at checkout.***
Sold out
Tropical Mango Box GoogleON Tropical Fruit Box Tropical Mango Box GoogleON Tropical Fruit Box
Tropical Mango Box
(77 Reviews)
  Have you had a mango ๐Ÿฅญ lately? Not one of those supermarket mangos that have been there for a while. I'm talking about a fresh, juicy, and delicious mango that looks like it just got picked from the tree. That's what we have. Mango has to be the most popular tropical fruit of all time and for a reason, the texture, sweetness, and unique taste make it a superstar in cuisines worldwide. Get your taste buds ready for a mouthwatering experience like no other! Our Tropical Mango Box contains hand-picked, ripe, and juicy mangos that will transport you to a tropical paradise with each bite. Known for its unrivaled texture and sweetness, this superstar fruit is a must-have for any cuisine. So why settle for a bland grocery store mango when you could have a fresh and flavorful one from our box? Grab yours today and join the mango craze! With 12-15 fresh and flavorful mangos per box, our Tropical Mango Box is a smart choice for anyone looking to add a nutritious and delicious fruit to their diet. Not only is mango a beloved tropical fruit, but it also offers a unique texture and taste that can elevate any dish. Plus, our box weighs 12 pounds, making it a great value for the number of mangos you'll receive! Don't miss out on the opportunity to try these tasty treats. Order Your Box of Tropical Mangoes Today **If you are in California, any Floridian variety will be swapped out for another due to import restrictions. Please note that varieties change seasonally. ***  This box weighs 12 pounds and contains about 12 -15 mangos.   
Taste the Exotics Fruit Box GoogleON Tropical Fruit Box Taste the Exotics Fruit Box GoogleON Tropical Fruit Box
Taste the Exotics Fruit Box
(30 Reviews)
Our Taste the Exotics box just got a refresh with the most amazing fruits this season. This is the perfect exotic fruit mix for you to enjoy some of the exquisite flavors from nature. As always, our Tropifruiters only get the very best. Pinkglow Pink Pineapple Soursop Tamarind Longans Red Dragon Pomegranate Sapodilla (*CA Restricted) TFB Mango Habanero Honey Our fruit is fresh and almost ripe when delivered to your door. Our boxes may vary slightly because of seasonality and availability or State of California fruit restrictions for the customers ordering from the golden state. We'll always do our best to give you an awesome exotic fruit assortment. Many of these fruits are small-batch and available for a very short window in the season.Order Your Taste the Exotics Box Today
6 ct 4 ct
Cacao Fruit Box
(39 Reviews)
from $109.00
Cacao Fruit also called Cacao pods is not what you'd expect. It's much better! Did you know that the literal translation for Cacaoโ€™s scientific name means โ€œFood of the Godsโ€? The Olmecs, an ancient civilization from what is now Mexico, were the first to use Cacao Fruit over 3,500 years ago. They obviously didnโ€™t know what they had because if they did, weโ€™d all be speaking Olmec right nowโ€ฆ Instead, the just the airport in Brussels, Belgium sells over 800 tons of chocolate every year but, we digress. Cacao Fruit and Chocolate Cacao Pods are these American football shape-inspired fruits and coincidentally are where Chocolate comes from. Yes, the name is a little confusing and we get a lot of people asking for cocoa fruit, cocoa, cacao... does it even matter, at the end it all comes form the cacao bean that lives inside the fruit. The taste couldnโ€™t be any more different than the delicacy weโ€™ve been groomed to gift to our loved ones. The white flesh has a pretty delicious zingy sweet flavor, itโ€™s hard to describe its tart, fruity, citrusy flavor with mango and pineapple notes. The seeds are the ones used to actually make Chocolate and when you bite into them, you can taste what unprocessed pure chocolate is like. The regular box contains 4 pieces of Cacao Fruits and the large box has 6 pieces of this Food of the Gods. Donโ€™t wait, order your box of Cacao fruit today.  
Tropical Avocados Small Box Tropical Avocado Box Tropical Fruit Box Produce Box
Tropical Avocado Box
(46 Reviews)
from $49.00
If you havenโ€™t tried Tropical Avocados, you are in for a treat. To my family, the Tropical Avocado has always been known as an Aguacate, pronounced (ah-gwa-kah-tee). This variety is a staple food in the Caribbean and Latin America where itโ€™s been the most popular variety for generations. Tropical Avocados are also known as green skin avocados because of their shiny and gorgeous shade of green. They are a source of good fats, are hearty, yummy, and are full of nutrients. How do Tropical Avocados taste like? When it comes to taste, they are pretty similar to the Haas avocado although slightly sweeter. They are creamy, luscious, and delicious. They spread very easily and have a buttery and creamy smooth texture. They have a light yellow and green color inside, and the seed can be brittle but thatโ€™s OK. The reality is that they are very similar to the avocados you are used to. How are Tropical Avocados better? Larger in size: The first thing youโ€™ll notice is that they are humongous compared to the varieties you can buy at the supermarket. Each Tropical Avocado is about the equivalent of 4 Haas avocados. You can prep just one and feed your whole family. Longer cut life: One of my pet peeves with those other avocados is that they turn black and the flavor changes right away, in the industry they call that oxidizing. The Tropical Avocados oxidize much slower which means that you can cut them and leave them out for longer. You can even keep one in the fridge wrapped in foil for two to three days after you cut them. How do you know when they are ripe? These avocados are ripe while the skin is still green, which is a little confusing if you are not used to them. Luckily, there is a simple way to know when they are ready. How? When you squeeze them and they give in just a little, they are ready to eat. Where are they from? These avocados are grown in the tropics on a beautiful farm in the Dominican Republic and in the off season over there, they come from beautiful and sunny Florida, where we are based. They grow with plenty of natural rain in nutrient-rich soil. They are naturally large, non-GMO and delicious. Our Large Box comes with about 8 Large Tropical Avocados. Our Regular Box has 4 Large Tropical Avocados. 
12 lbs mamey 8 lbs Mamey
Mamey Fruit Box
(19 Reviews)
from $89.00
Mamey Fruit is absolutely delicious! We call it Mamey, but it's also called sapote, not to be confused with black sapote, which is a different type of fruit altogether. They are so yummy that it's hard to eat just one.  We had so many requests for Mamey from people that want to order it online that we had to create a box just for it! These red mamey fruits are from right here in Florida and are humongous!  Mamey sapote is a medium to large fruit with a thick, semi-rough skin that ranges in color from light to dark brown. Underneath the skin, the flesh is soft, creamy, and dense with a fine, smooth consistency. The flesh of Mamey sapote ranges in color from orange, and red, to salmon. Within the center of the flesh, there is one elliptical seed with a glossy, black-brown hue. Don't eat the seed! What does mamey taste like? The flavor of is like a cross between a pumpkin and a sweet potato, with hints of caramel and chocolate. It's truly unlike anything else you've ever tasted! Order a box, have a nice mamey shake, or just eat them with a spoon and if you have a couple left, take the pulp out with a spoon, put them in a freezer bag, and you'll have mamey for a few more times! We love to make shakes that are so good that you'll always want more, they are good like that.  A quick mamey sapote shake recipe To make an awesome mamey shake, wait for it to be fully ripened when the skin is soft to the touch. Scoop out the pulp of half the fruit with a spoon into a blender, add two cups of regular milk and if you want to be extra, add half a can of evaporated milk. Sugar to taste, add some ice, blend it and you have yourself a tropical treat! Our Mamey Fruit Boxes make the perfect gift for any occasion or a delicious treat for yourself. Order your tropical box of mamey today, and let me know what you think when you get it. I know you'll love it. Buy your Mamey Fruit Box Today
Dragon Fruit | Pitahaya Mix Box Dragon Fruit Tropical Fruit Box Dragon Fruit | Pitahaya Mix Box Dragon Fruit Tropical Fruit Box
Dragon Fruit | Pitahaya Mix Box
(29 Reviews)
from $79.00
Dragon Fruit, also called Pitaya or Pitahaya is the fruit of a cactus originally from Mexico and Central America. People describe the flavor as a mix between a pear and a kiwi. Dragon Fruit is packed with antioxidants that protect your cells from damage. We have several varieties available and due to their high demand, weโ€™ve created this box just for Dragon Fruit lovers. If you know this fruit, you love it and know itโ€™s a powerhouse! Current mix is yellow dragon, red dragon red and white flesh. Don't miss this chance, get your box while they last.
Tropical Fresh Papaya Box GoogleON Tropical Fruit Box Tropical Fresh Papaya Box GoogleON Tropical Fruit Box
Tropical Fresh Papaya Box
(1 Review)
from $89.00
Who doesn't love papaya? This is one of my favorite fruits, especially during this time of the year. Papaya is also called Papaw or Pawpaw, they are sweet and delicious. Why You'll Love Tropical Papayas If youโ€™ve never had them, they have a cantalopish/mangoish taste mix. Sounds weird, but it's actually pretty amazing. You can cut these Papayas with a butter knife, if you dice them into small chunks, they melt in your mouth. You can also make some mean smoothies with these. Due to popular demand and many of you chatting us and asking for a Papaya-only box - so here it is! I feel like a late-night DJ taking song requests. So now, without further ado, the Tropical Fresh Papaya Box. It's time! Get your Papayas delivered right to your door and enjoy this amazing flavor from the tropics!
-17% sale
Premium Tropical Golden Pineapple Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box Premium Tropical Golden Pineapple Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box
Premium Tropical Golden Pineapple Box
(35 Reviews)
$49.00 $59.00
The mighty Golden Pineapple needs no introduction. Also called ananas, believe it or not, it's native to South America. The Europeans called it Pine-Apple because to them, it resembled a pine cone. Pineapples are exotic fruits although they are so common that we don't consider them as such anymore. Delight in the taste of the tropics with our Golden Pineapple Fruit Box. This cheerful box is filled with bright and flavorful golden pineapples, grown in warm tropical climates. The pineapples are picked at the peak of ripeness to ensure that they are as sweet and juicy as can be. These pineapples have an amazing flavor profile. They are sweet, juicy, and refreshing. If you are looking for the Pinkglowโ„ข Pink Pineapple, you have the wrong box. These golden pineapples are delicious but are definitely not pink. The textured, rough rind is a rich golden brown color, and the flesh inside is a beautiful, bright yellow. These pineapples are so fragrant and intensely sweet, with just a touch of acidity. You'll be transported to a tropical paradise with every bite! Our Premium Tropical Golden Pineapple Fruit Box makes a wonderful gift for any occasion, or a delicious treat for yourself. Order today and enjoy the sweetness of the tropics! What's in the Tropical Golden Pineapple box? The box contains 4 large Golden Pineapples. All this is great but the reality is that these pineapples are delicious, are pretty huge, fresh, and especially hard to find at the moment. Get them while you can.
Fresh Tropical White Guava Box (Thai Guava) Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box 8 lbs Fresh Tropical White Guava Box (Thai Guava) Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box 3 lbs
Fresh Tropical White Guava Box (Thai Guava)
(1 Review)
from $69.00
Our Fresh White Guavas, also called Thai Guavas are one of our most requested fruits. They are about the size of a baseball, have a bumpy edible green skin and they are pretty delicious. They are not as sweet as our pink guavas but hey, everyone likes what they like. Guavas are high on Vitamins A, C and are a traditional remedy for a number of ailments but that's just one big bonus. Eat one and you'll understand.  **Cannot ship to California due to import restrictions**
Mandarin Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box Large (8 Pounds) Mandarin Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box
Mandarin Box
(3 Reviews)
from $69.00
Did you know that Mandarin Oranges are considered a symbol of good fortune and abundance during the Chinese New Year? These beautiful fragrant mandarins have great depth of flavor and a fantastic acidity balance. The peel is easy to remove, are sweet and have a beautiful orange skin. They are perfect for snacking on the go and kids absolutely love them.We all could use a little bit more good fortune these days so order your box of Mandarins today. (Fortune not guaranteed) ***Cannot ship to California***
Turmeric Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box Turmeric Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box
Turmeric Box
(1 Review)
Turmeric is commonly used in Indian and Asian Cuisine and you might recognize it as one of the ingredients in curry. These days people use it as a flavor-boosting ingredient by adding them to smoothies and of course, for everyday cooking. We have this little jewel of a root and it's ready to ship. This box contains 3 pounds which is a perfect quantity if you are planning on adding it to your diet.
Tropical Ginger Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box Small Box 3 lbs Tropical Ginger Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box
Tropical Ginger Box
(13 Reviews)
from $59.00
  We have Ginger! The world may be coming to an end but we just got a fresh shipment of everyone's favorite Ginger and they are packed with delicious flavor. Ginger is one of those roots that you have to love, they go with so many cuisines and these days, even the juicers are using them. The flavor is spicy, sweet and pleasantly sharp. You have to see them, believe it, these ginger roots are plump, juicy, and super fragrant and they snap when you bend them, that's how fresh they are. Where does our Ginger come from? We get our Ginger from our partner farms in Ecuador and Costa Rica. How many roots in the box? This is a 3lb box, 5 lb and 8 lbs box!  Get ready to add some spicy, sweet and sharp flavors to your dishes with our Tropical Ginger Box! Packed with fresh, plump, and juicy ginger roots straight from our partner farms in Ecuador and Costa Rica, this box is a must-have for any lover of this versatile root. Use it in cuisines from around the world or even in your favorite juicer recipes. Trust us, these ginger roots are so fresh that they still snap when bent. Available in 3lb, 5lb, and 8lb boxes, you'll have plenty of delicious ginger to share (or keep all to yourself - we won't judge!).
Banana Bonanza Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box Banana Bonanza Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box
Banana Bonanza Box
(5 Reviews)
Here is a quiz for you. Do you know the difference between a banana and a plantain? Think about it, most people havenโ€™t given much thought to this but here at Tropical Fruit Box, our staff brainiacs are always thinking about fruit so here goesโ€ฆready? The banana, you can eat raw and the plantain, you better cook. Plantains are larger, of much harder consistency, and require preparation although we hear that some people eat the Hawaiian plantain raw, but you know, to each its own. So, without further ado, for all of you plantain and banana lovers, we give you the Banana Bonanza Box! Whatโ€™s inside? Manzano Apple Bananas, Red Bananas, and Burro Plantains. Here is a little about each. Manzano Apple ๐ŸŒBanana Cluster - These are like mini bananas that taste like a cross between an apple and a banana and believe it or not, are one of the most popular dessert fruits in the world. Red Bananas - No, they are not angry, they are just a little blushed. They are sweeter, plumper and some will say have a raspberry-ish finish. They are more pudding-like and have an awesome texture which you should try if you are trying to change things up. Burro Plantain - This is the powerhouse of cooking plantains. You can use them green or ripe for many dishes. Itโ€™s tangier than a regular plantain and when itโ€™s ripe, itโ€™s very creamy and citrusy. Definitely something to live for. This box has about 8 pounds of bananas and plantains that will help you break the boring meal regime youโ€™ve been keeping in quarantine. We totally feel you. Order your Banana Bonanza Box today.
White Malanga (Taro) Box White Malanga (Taro) BoxRegular Box ( 8 Pounds)
White Malanga Box
(4 Reviews)
from $49.00
Malanga is a staple in the Hispanic culture. It's a delicious tuber which is prepared in many ways, boiled, in puree, fried, in chips, you name it! Its taste is pretty unique (in a good way) and it has many health benefits to boot. The Malanga is hypoallergenic since it doesn't seem to cause allergic reactions in most people, the Hispanic culture commonly feed malanga puree to babies as some of their very first meals.
Yuca (Cassava Root) Box No Google Tropical Fruit Box Yuca (Cassava Root) Box No Google Tropical Fruit Box Regular Box(8 Pounds)
Yuca (Cassava Root) Box
(4 Reviews)
from $59.00
What we know as Yuca or Yucca is the root of the Cassava plant native to South America has many names; it's called Manioc, Mandioca, and Macaxeira, among others. The Yuca is a fibrous and starchy root with a nutty taste that's a staple in many countries in the Caribbean, Central and South America.If you have never tasted it, you are in for a treat. You can just peel it and boil it and then prepare a "sofrito" with sauteed onions, garlic, olive oil, orange, and lemon or even better, you can use bitter orange to give an extra special taste. Here is the recipe.The Yuca is pretty nutritious too loaded with protein, healthy carbs, and almost no fat. Contains Vitamins A, C, K and minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Phosphorous, among others. How much in the Boxes? The Small Box contains 5 pounds of Yuca The Regular Box contains 8 Pounds of Yuca The Large Box contains 16 Pounds of Yuca Get your Box of Yuca Today and Enjoy This Tropical Root Treat  
Tropical Root Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box Tropical Root Box Produce Box Tropical Fruit Box
Tropical Root Box
(2 Reviews)
Tropical roots are more than a tradition for the Caribbean and other tropical regions of the world, they are part of our culture. A culture that evolved without processed foods where these tubers and roots were sliced, diced and included in every dish imaginable. Why did we include corn if it's not a root? Good question! All we can tell is that it's been a popular requested combination and it looks great in photos so, there! Besides, when you try this fresh corn, you'll never want to buy the supermarket corn again. The Tropical Root Box Contains A combination of the freshest tropical roots currently in season. We will fill up your box with the items listed below until the box is full (at least 16 lbs). Malangas Boniatos Yucas Chayotes Burro Green Plantains All of our produce has been naturally grown and responsibly sourced. Order your Tropical Roots Box Today.
Fresh Chayote Squash Box Squashes & Gourds Tropical Fruit Box Fresh Chayote Squash Box Squashes & Gourds Tropical Fruit Box
Fresh Chayote Squash Box
(1 Review)
from $69.00
Believe it or not, the Chayote is a member of the gourd family! Super popular in Central, South America and Asia, the Chayote is eaten raw, cooked, baked, fried, stir-fried, roasted, made into sweets, added to salads, used as an ingredient in salsas, you know, it's kinda like the shrimps from Forrest Gump.  Get your box of Chayotes Today and make some culinary magic happen.  

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